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Specialists in periodontics & dental implantology
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Treatment of the periodontal disease
The foundation around your teeth consists mainly of gum tissue and bone, also called the periodontium. Keeping these tissues healthy is essential if you want to keep your teeth for as long as possible.
Certain diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis can affect the health of these tissues and destroy them, forming pockets or spaces around the teeth. Over time pockets deepen, allowing bacteria (dental plaque) and tartar to accumulate, destroying further supporting tissue. This process ultimately causes tooth loss.
Early detection of these diseases by your periodontist is essential to help stabilize them with the ultimate goal of keeping your teeth.
What are the main periodontal diseases?
Gingivitis is an inflammation of the tissues that form the foundation around your teeth. This inflammation is limited to the gum tissue.
Untreated gingivitis can progress to periodontitis, a chronic condition affecting all the tissues that form the foundation of your teeth. Periodontitis manifests itself in the destruction of the supporting bone, and can lead to tooth loss.
Pain is rarely a sign of the disease. Patients will often notice bleeding gums, swollen and/or reddish gums, loose teeth, changes in the position of the teeth, bad breath or even tooth loss.
Treatment of gum disease
In order to treat gum disease, it's essential to identify the factors that caused it.
Although it's recognized that gum disease is of bacterial origin (plaque), several other factors can contribute in their own way to the manifestation of the disease.
Your periodontist at Paro Gatineau will be able to properly identify these factors in order to optimize the results.
First, it's very likely that your periodontist will recommend an initial therapy. This minimally invasive technique aims at eliminating bacteria (dental plaque) and tartar (also referred to as calculus) present under the gum tissue, so that your teeth find a healthier environment.
This procedure, called root planing, requires in the majority of cases only local anesthesia.
Its main purpose is to largely eliminate the inflammation around your teeth.
In some cases, your periodontist may recommend surgical treatment or laser therapy to treat your gum disease.
In fact, although non-surgical treatment renders excellent results, it still has its limitations. Some periodontal pockets may improve, but remain deep, and therefore still not be compatible with periodontal health.
In some cases, a recontouring of the periodontal structures will be necessary. In other cases, a procedure aimed at regenerating lost tissue may be recommended.
Your periodontist will be able to discuss with you the possible treatment options for your particular case.
Treatment of gingival recessions
A gum recession is a condition where the gum around the tooth recedes, and leads to the exposure of the root of the tooth.
This condition can be completely asymptomatic, but can still compromise the stability of the tissues (bone, gum, ligament) around the tooth.
In some cases, a gum recession can lead to sensitivity to cold, hot or brushing. For some patient, it can cause a cosmetic discomfort.
A gum graft may be indicated to repair the gum defect, to prevent further exposure of the tooth, prevent bone loss and partially or completely cover the exposed root.
Gum graft (Autogenous tissue)
Autogenous tissue grafting involves removing a small piece of tissue from the patient's palate (either from the surface layer or the underlying one) and transposing it to the site of the recession.
Gum graft (Allogenic or xenogenic tissue)
Gum grafting with allogeneic tissue uses the same principles as autogenous tissue grafting. However, instead of removing tissue from the patient's palate, tissue from a human or animal donor can be used.
Although it represents an advantage over an autogenous transplant, the latter remains the "gold standard" for treating gum recession. gold standard » pour traiter les récessions gingivales.
Dental extraction - Bone graft
Tooth extraction often leads to a collapse of the supporting bone during natural healing.
If this tooth needs to be replaced, it's essential to maintain an adequate bone volume. Your periodontist will assess at the time of the extraction whether you are a good candidate for bone grafting. This technique consists of filling the extraction socket with a bone substitute material to establish a scaffold for bone growth. Thus, bone formation is stimulated at the extraction site and allows to maintain sufficient bone volume.
Bone Augmentation Procedure
When a tooth or teeth are extracted and no bone grafting is performed, natural bone remodeling occurs. We can often observe up to 50% of bone loss in the first 3 months following that extraction. This bone remodeling continues slowly over the years. In some patients, the bone volume becomes so deficient that replacing the tooth with a dental implant becomes impossible. In most cases, your periodontitis can regenerate the lost volume of bone. This technique is sometimes done prior to implant placement and other times, simultaneously with the implant insertion.
Dental implant
Dental implants are small screw-shaped cylinders that are inserted into the jaw bone to replace the roots of missing teeth. They constitute anchor points on which single prostheses (crowns) or multiple prostheses (bridges or prostheses) can be fixed. Dental implants are made out of titanium, a metal that is very well accepted by human bone (biocompatible), and has the particular property of fusing with bone.
An evaluation of your case is mandatory to assess if you are a candidate for a dental implant. An evaluation of the jaw bone (CBCT) may be required in order to obtain the exact position of all the anatomical structures.
Single tooth replacement
Periodontal plastic surgery
If your teeth appear too short and you have a “gummy” smile, a periodontal plastic surgery may be indicated. Various interventions can be done to help create a different appearance of the teeth and smile by changing the shape, thickness and contour of the gum tissue, thus, improving the aesthetics of your smile.
Crown lengthening procedure
In some cases, teeth may be fractured or decayed at the gum line. Successful restorations need to be placed on enough tooth structure so that they are retentive. A crown lengthening procedure involves moving the gum and bone around the tooth to expose a healthy portion of it. This area, now visible and easily accessible, will allow a better assessment for your dentist to restore the tooth adequately.
Some oral lesions may require a biopsy. A sample of the lesion is taken under local anesthesia by your periodontist and sent securely to the histopathology department. After microscopic analysis of the sample, we can now establish a proper diagnosis. Your periodontist will meet with you after receiving the results in order to discuss with you the appropriate treatment and follow up.
Treatment of acute infections - Periodontal abscess
A gingival or periodontal abscess is a purulent infection localized within the tissues adjacent to a tooth. It can affect the gum only, or all the other tissues supporting the tooth.
This infection is often associated with mild or severe pain. It often leads to an accelerated destruction of the tissues that constitute the foundation of the tooth, leading mobility and possibly tooth loss.
Treating such an infection rapidly is important in order to limit the ravages of tissue destruction.
Muscle attachements, called "frenums," can create problems around your teeth if they are in an unfavorable position. These frenums can pull the gum tissue and create recessions (receding gums), can prevent good oral hygiene, or can create spaces between the teeth. Your periodontist may recommend to reposition your frenum to correct or prevent a problem.
Periodontal assessment prior to orthodontic treatment
If you decide to straighten your teeth with an orthodontic treatment, your dentist or orthodontist may request a consultation with a periodontist before starting your treatment. The purpose of this consultation is to assess whether the foundation of your teeth (bone and gum tissue) is healthy and strong enough to support the forces that will move your teeth. After a complete examination, your periodontist will give you his recommendations to keep your periodontal condition stable throughout the treatment.
Exposure of an impacted tooth
When the teeth erupt, some of them may remain hidden or impacted under the gum tissue. In some cases, your dentist or orthodontist may ask you to consult a periodontist to expose this impacted tooth. This procedure aims at exposing the tooth in the mouth and to install a chain that will allow to gently pull it to its correct position.
Tori removal
Tori are bony overgrowths located in the center of the palate or behind the lower teeth, on the tongue side. Although considered normal and compatible with health, tori may interfere with the function or insertion of a dental prosthesis. Your periodontist may recommend that you have them removed.
Exploratory surgery
In some cases, a tooth may present a problem or pain that is impossible to identify precisely during the clinical examination. Your periodontist may then recommend an exploratory surgery, which allows to have a direct visibility to the roots and surrounding bone. From there, the proper diagnosis and the right treatment will be determined.